
Lesson Purpose

This purpose of this lesson is to introduce algorithms because they are the foundations of how you solve problems in programming.

Algorithms in the Context of Computer Programming

An algorithm is a step-by-step procedure or formula for solving a specific problem or performing a computation. In computer programming, algorithms are the foundation for creating efficient, scalable, and functional software solutions. Here’s a detailed explanation:


In programming, an algorithm is: * A finite set of instructions designed to perform a specific task. * Expressed in a way that a computer can interpret and execute. * Independent of the programming language used to implement it.

Characteristics of a Good Algorithm:

  1. Input and Output:
    • Takes zero or more inputs.
    • Produces at least one output.
  2. Definiteness:
    • Each step is clearly and unambiguously defined.
  3. Finiteness:
    • Terminates after a finite number of steps.
  4. Effectiveness:
    • Each operation can be performed in a finite amount of time.
  5. Efficiency:
    • Uses resources like time and space optimally.

Components of an Algorithm:

Common Types of Algorithms:

  1. Search Algorithms:
    • Find a specific item in a dataset.
    • Examples: Linear Search, Binary Search.
  2. Sorting Algorithms:
    • Arrange items in a particular order (ascending/descending).
    • Examples: QuickSort, MergeSort, Bubble Sort.
  3. Graph Algorithms:
    • Solve problems related to networks and relationships.
    • Examples: Dijkstra’s Algorithm, Depth-First Search (DFS).
  4. Dynamic Programming:
    • Breaks problems into subproblems and solves them recursively.
    • Examples: Fibonacci Sequence, Knapsack Problem.
  5. Divide and Conquer:
    • Splits problems into smaller problems, solves them, and combines results.
    • Examples: MergeSort, Binary Search.
  6. Greedy Algorithms:
    • Makes locally optimal choices at each step to find a global optimum.
    • Examples: Prim’s Algorithm, Kruskal’s Algorithm.
  7. Backtracking Algorithms:
    • Explores all possibilities by recursively undoing choices.
    • Examples: N-Queens Problem, Maze Solving.
  8. Machine Learning Algorithms:
    • Used for predictive modeling and pattern recognition.
    • Examples: Linear Regression, Neural Networks.

Representation of Algorithms:

  1. Pseudocode:
    • High-level description that’s language-agnostic.
for i from 1 to N:
  1. Flowcharts:
    • Visual diagrams showing the flow of steps using symbols.
  2. Programming Code:
    • Implemented in a programming language like Python, C++, or Java.

Algorithm Analysis:

To evaluate algorithms, consider:

  1. Time Complexity:
    • Measures the time an algorithm takes based on input size.
    • Examples: .
  2. Space Complexity:
    • Measures the memory required by an algorithm.
  3. Scalability:
    • How well the algorithm performs with larger datasets.

Real-World Example:

Problem: Find the largest number in a list.


  1. Start with the first number as the largest.
  2. Compare each number in the list.
  3. Update the largest number if a bigger one is found.
  4. Output the largest number.


largest = list[0]
for each number in list:
    if number > largest:
        largest = number
return largest

Python Implementation:

def find_largest(lst):
    largest = lst[0]
    for num in lst:
        if num > largest:
            largest = num
    return largest

In summary, algorithms are the building blocks of programming. They provide structured solutions to computational problems and are critical for optimizing the performance and functionality of software.