- id: 1739093503
- Date: Feb. 15, 2025, 5:18 p.m.
- Author:
Namespacing (What)
Namespacing is the process of keeping names local to an entity (subroutine, module, directory, or such) to avoid the problems that arise when the same name is used for two or more different things.
In Django, namespacing refers to keeping names local to an app.
Namespacing is a best practice in Django and in coding in general.
Namespacing (Why)
If you don’t namespace, it is inevitable that you will use the same name for multiple things and this will cause coding errors that are hard to find.
If you do namespace, your apps and packages can be used in multiple projects. That is, your code is modular.
If you do namespace, you can use simpler names because you don’t have to worry about potential naming errors.
Namespacing (How)
In Django, namespace URL patterns, templates, and static files. Here is how
1. URL Pattern Namespacing
Django supports namespacing of URL patterns using the app_name attribute in and the namespace argument in include().
Step 1: Define app_name in of Each App
Each Django app should define its own app_name in
Example: blog/
from django.urls import path
from . import views
= "blog" # This is the namespace for the app
= [
urlpatterns "", views.index, name="index"),
path("post/<int:id>/", views.post_detail, name="post_detail"),
path( ]
Example: shop/
from django.urls import path
from . import views
= "shop" # This is the namespace for the app
= [
urlpatterns "", views.index, name="index"),
path("product/<int:id>/", views.product_detail, name="product_detail"),
path( ]
Step 2: Include Namespaced URLs in the Project’s
Now, include these URLs in the project’s main
from django.urls import path, include
= [
urlpatterns "blog/", include("blog.urls", namespace="blog")),
path("shop/", include("shop.urls", namespace="shop")),
path( ]
Step 3: Reverse URL Lookup with Namespaces
When using reverse() or {% url %} in templates, specify the namespace:
Using reverse() in Views
from django.urls import reverse
from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect
def go_to_blog(request):
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("blog:index")) # Redirects to blog index
def go_to_shop(request):
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("shop:index")) # Redirects to shop index
Using {% url %}
in Templates
<a href="{% url 'blog:index' %}">Go to Blog</a>
<a href="{% url 'shop:index' %}">Go to Shop</a>
2. Template Namespacing
To avoid template name conflicts, store templates in namespaced directories.
Example: Organizing Templates for Apps
blog/ templates/ blog/ index.html post_detail.html shop/ templates/ shop/ index.html product_detail.html
Referencing Templates in Views
def index(request): return render(request, “blog/index.html”)
def shop_index(request): return render(request, “shop/index.html”)
3. Static Files Namespacing
If you have multiple apps with static files (CSS, JavaScript, images), namespace them to avoid conflicts.
Organizing Static Files
blog/ static/ blog/ style.css shop/ static/ shop/ style.css
Referencing Static Files in Templates
{% load static %}<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'blog/style.css' %}">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'shop/style.css' %}">
URL Namespacing: Use app_name = “app_name” in and
{% url 'app_name:view_name' %}
in templates.Template Namespacing: Store templates inside templates/app_name/ to avoid conflicts.
Static Files Namespacing: Store static files inside static/app_name/ and reference them using
{% static 'app_name/file.css' %}