Vim CheatSheet
- id: 1692266403
- Date: Feb. 16, 2025, 4 p.m.
- Author: Donald F. Elger
- Buffers: In-memory text of files.
- Windows: Viewports onto buffers.
- Tabs: Collections of windows.
- Sessions: Saved states of your Vim environment.
- Marks: Saved positions in files.
- Registers: Storage for text and commands.
- Macros: Recorded sequences of commands.
- Folds: Collapsed sections of text.
- Quickfix List: List of locations for navigation.
- Location List: Window-specific list of locations.
- Autocommand: A command that automatically executes when a specific event occurs.
- Key Binding: An assignment of one or more commands to a key or key combination.
| Delete word to left of cursor in insert mode.
- Moving up:
k, <C-u>, <C-b>, gg
- Moving down:
j, <C-d>, <C-f>, G
- Moving right:
l, <C-w>, <C-W>, $, ), }
- !vim-search.png
- forward, back, next, previous
Getting Started
- Neovim configuration files (Mac)
= change to character but leave the charactercf<x>
= change to character and delete the character
Search and Replace
: generic syntax:%s/old/new/g
: Apply to entire fileg
: replace all occurrences in a linec
: prompt for confirmationi
: ignore case
: line range
Netrw Cheatsheet
- Open Netrw
- Open Netrw in the current window.:Vexplore
- Open Netrw in a vertical split.:Sexplore
- Open Netrw in a horizontal split.:Texplore
- Open Netrw in a new tab.:Lexplore
- Open Netrw in the left vertical split.
- Navigation
arrow - Collapse/expand directory.j
arrow - Move cursor down/up.Enter
- Open a file or directory.-
- Go up to the parent directory.
- File Operations
- Rename a file or directory.D
- Delete a file or directory.d
- Create a new directory.%
- Create a new
- Mark a
- Unmark a file.mb
- Bookmark a
- Move marked files to a
- Copy marked files to a directory.
- Sorting and Display
- Toggle between different file listing views.i
- Toggle between different file information levels (name only, name with size, etc.).s
- Sort by name, modification time, size, or extension.x
- Execute the file under the cursor.
- Quick Commands
- Toggle display of hidden files.q
- Close Netrw.u
- Go to the previous directory.p
- Go to the next
- Open the file under the cursor in a new window.
- Search
:Find [pattern]
- Find files matching the pattern.:Locate [pattern]
- Locate files in the current directory matching the pattern.
- Bookmarks
:Bookmark [name]
- Bookmark the current directory.:B
- List all bookmarks.:Bookmark
- Jump to a bookmarked directory.
This cheatsheet covers the essential commands for using Netrw effectively in Vim.
User Interface
- ‘colo[scheme]
’ = show list of colorschemes - To add a new scheme, placing them in your
directory; then select with:colo sname
cmd +
= toggle font size upward
Set Configuration
= Environmental variable that holds the path to the init file~/.config/nvim/init.vim
= Path name of init file:so[urce] ~/.config/nvim/init.vim
= Source the init file
Move Cursor
Most Used Movements
: Move left, down, up, right for eachw
: Move to the beginning of the next wordb
: Move to the beginning of the previous worde
: Move to the end of the current word0
: Move to the beginning of the line$
: Move to the end of the line
Screen Movements
: Move to the top of the screenM
: Move to the middle of the screenL
: Move to the bottom of the screen
Page Movements
Ctrl + u
: Move half a page up; scroll so this line is at bottom of the screenCtrl + d
: Move half a page down; scroll so this line is as the top of the pageCtrl + b
: Move one page upCtrl + f
: Move one page down
: Move to the beginning of the fileG
: Move to the end of the file:<line_number>
: Move to a specific line number
: Move to the next occurrence of the word under the cursor#
: Move to the previous occurrence of the word under the cursor%
: Move to the matching parenthesis/bracket
Marks (Jump to a previously set mark)
: Set a mark at the current cursor position<letter>
: Jump to the mark named<letter>
Movements to characters
f': Move to the character; eg.
f Jmoves to the next
: Move to just before character- ‘T’ and ‘F’ = Backwards character find
: Repeat the last f, t, F, or T movement,
: Repeat the last f, t, F, or T movement in the opposite direction
: Search forward for<pattern>
: Search backward for
` n
: Move to the next search resultN
: Move to the previous search result
Exiting Visual Mode / Cancelling
: Exit visual mode or cancel an operation
More Help
: Open Vim’s help documentation
- Next
- Previous
- New Tab:
- Close Tab:
- Move Tab:
:tabm <N>
- List Tabs:
Move Windows Around
- precede windows commands with
<ctrl w>
- x = exchange window with the next one
- H, J, K, L = move current window to be at the left, bottom top and right and make full size.
- r, R = rotate windows downwards/rightwards or opposite
Change Window Size
- Precede with windows commands
- Use an = to make windows all the same size
- <, > = decrease or increase window width
- -, + = decrease or increase window by
10 Ctrl-w +
= increase the height of the current window by 10 rows:resize 40
= set the current window to 40 rows
Open New Windows
= Open a new horizontal windon:sp
=:sp <path>
= New horizontal windowvsp
=vsp <path>
= New vertical window
= in insert mode, automatically correct the mispelled word to the left of the insert pointz=
= suggest a word for the misspelled word under the cursor.- zg = add the word under the cursor to the spellfile
]s or [s
= move forward/back to next misspelled word
# Completions
- Completions List: Up/Down
- ↑ ↓
- Ctrl + n / Ctrl + p
- Tab / Shift + Tab: (Sometimes)
- Selecting a completion
: Accept <C-Y>
: Accept<C-e>
: Cancel- Use mouse: if mouse support is enabled; enable it with
:set mouse=a
- Ignoring a completion: space, tab,
Neovim Terminal Emulator
- Terminal Mode: The terminal window behaves like a regular shell.
- Normal Mode: The terminal window behaves like a vim window
= Switch from terminal to normal modei
= Switch from normal to terminal mode:term
= Open terminal in a new buffer:split | term
= Open terminal in a horizontal split:vsplit | term
= Open terminal in a vertical split- Yank from Terminal: While in Normal mode, yank as
you would in any other buffer (e.g.,
to yank a line). - Paste to Terminal: In terminal mode, you can paste
using the normal paste shortcut for your shell. In Neovim’s terminal
mode, you can also use
Ctrl-W " p
is the desired register). - Close Terminal:
(while in Normal mode) or you can exit the terminal process, usually withexit
. - Set up terminal in ~/.config/nvim
Move/Copy Lines
[range]m[ove] {address}
= Move lines[range]co[py] {address}
= Copy lines- note: in older versions of vim, t is a alias for copy this no longer works in vim 9
- set ts=4 sw=4 ==> set the tabstop to 4 and the shiftwidth to 4
- set fo=tqn = set formatoptions to tqn
- :help formatoptions
- :set all = see all the format option; produces long list
- :set ma = set modifiable = allow the file to be edited
- :set noma = set nomodifiable = prevent file from being
- :help fo-table = see the meaning of the format option symbols
:set formatoptions+=t
= add t to the format option list:help formatoptions
Format Options
- c = autowrap comments inserting the current symbol automatically; don’t like usually
- t = autowrap using textwidth
- q = Allow formatting of comments with “gq”
- o = automatically add the comment symbol after o or O
zf{motion} or {Visual}zf #Operator to create a fold.
zf’a # fold to mark
zF = Create a fold for N lines.
zd = Delete one fold at the cursor.
zD = Delete folds recursively at the cursor.
zE = Eliminate all folds in the window.
zo = Open one fold.
zO = Open all folds recursively.
zc = Close one fold.
zC = Close all folds recursively.
za = When on a closed fold: open it.and vice-versa.
zA = When on a closed fold: open it recursively.and vice-versa.
zR = Open all folds.
zM = Close all folds:
zn = Fold none: reset ‘foldenable’. All folds will be open.
zN = Fold normal: set ‘foldenable’. All folds will be as they were before.
zi = Invert ‘foldenable’.
[z = Move to the start of the current open fold.
]z = Move to the end of the current open fold.
zj = Move downwards. to the start of the next fold.
zk = Move upwards to the end of the previous fold.
(mapping) = list buffers<c-^>
= switch back to buffer just edited from normal mode:bn
:badd: buffer add :ls: list buffer buffer indicators: %: buffer in current window a: active buffer # alternate buffer, which can be accessed by Ctrl-6 : no indicator means that buffer is not loaded yet :bp: load previous buffer into current window :bn: load next buffer into current window :b2: load buffer No. 2 into current window :br: rewind first buffer into current window :bl: load last buffer into current window :ba: open all buffers into different windows :bd: delete buffer, take buffer number as arguments, :bd 1 2 3
Move Windows
Rotate windows
Reposition a window
& Move current window to far right \ <c-w> H
& Move to far left \ <c-w> J
& Move to very
bottom \ <c-w> K
& Move to very top \
Path Parts
:let @* = expand("%:p")
= Copy full path to the clipboard:put =expand('%:p')
= Copy full path into the buffer:echom expand("%:p")
= Show full path on the command line
!:echo @%! & Show relative path on command line \ !@! & The @ symbol is used to prefix a register \ !%:e! & file extension \ !%:r! & full path less the extension \
:help expand
| Search forward for word under cursor
Automatic Formatting
Meaning: Format text automatically in paragraphs. Makes lists look greats. Makes c
in normal mode = Save current file if modified and exit; same as:x
= Writes the file and then quits.ZQ
= Exit unconditionally
:mksession pn
= save current session to pn (pathname)source pn
read session saved at pn (pathname)
- Vim Surround is a plugin by Tim Pope that adds, change, or delete surrounding characters
:help surround
: Add a new surrounding text. For example,ysiw"
adds double quotes around the current word.cs<old><new>
: Change the surrounding text. For example,cs"'
changes single quotes to double quotes.ds<surrounding>
: Delete the surrounding text. For example,ds(
removes surrounding parentheses.S<surrounding>
: Add new surrounding to selected text. E.g. S* adds stars around the selected text.S[(
: Add brackets around the current line.ys<text-object><surrounding>
: Use text objects likeiw
(inner word),i"
(inner quotes),ap
(a paragraph), etc.yss<surrounding>
: Surround the entire line.yS<surrounding>
: Surround with whitespace. For example,ySip
surrounds a paragraph with an extra space.ySs<surrounding>
: Surround the line without whitespace.ySS<surrounding>
: Surround the entire buffer.
- A mark is a marked position in a buffer that can be jumped to or referenced.
= set mark a at the current cursor position'a
= jump to line of mark a\
a` = jump to line and column of mark ad'a
= delete from current line through line of mark a:marks
= list current marks
= Open a new horizontal terminal window:vert term
= Open a new vertical terminal<c-d>
= Close a terminal window<c-w>N
= Toggle so you can move cursor around in window
Syntax Highlighting
= List current highlight groups- :hi String ctermfg=1 guifg=#ff0000 | Change the string highlight color to red for both the terminal and the GUI
autocmd FileType python hi String ctermfg=1 guifg=#ff0000
Add this to.vimrc
to make this color change permanent.- Terminal Color Codes: 0-Black, 1-Red, 2-Green, 3 - Yellow 4 - Blue 5 - Magenta 6 - Cyan 7 - White 8 - Bright Black (Gray) 9 - Bright Red 10 - Bright Green 11 - Bright Yellow 12 - Bright Blue 13 - Bright Magenta 14 - Bright Cyan 15 - Bright White
General Syntax Highlighting:
:syntax enable
- Enable syntax highlighting.:syntax off
- Disable syntax highlighting.
Highlight Groups:
:hi GroupName
- Show current highlighting settings for the specified group.:hi GroupName ctermfg=ColorNumber guifg=#HexColor
- Change foreground color for the group.:hi GroupName ctermbg=ColorNumber guibg=#HexColor
- Change background color for the group.:hi clear
- Clear all highlighting settings.
Example Highlight Groups:
- The default text color.Comment
- Comments in code.String
- Strings (single-quoted, double-quoted, triple-quoted).Keyword
- Programming language keywords.Function
- Function names.Type
- Type names (class names, data types).
Filetype-Specific Highlighting:
autocmd FileType FileType hi GroupName ctermfg=ColorNumber guifg=#HexColor
- Apply highlighting settings for a specific filetype.- Example:
autocmd FileType python hi Comment ctermfg=2 guifg=#00ff00
(for Python comments).
- Set foreground color using terminal color number (0-255).ctermbg=ColorNumber
- Set background color using terminal color number (0-255).guifg=#HexColor
- Set foreground color using hex color code.guibg=#HexColor
- Set background color using hex color code.
Color Codes:
:help cterm-colors
- Show a list of terminal color numbers.:help gui-colors
- Show a list of GUI color names.
= list all scripts, including plugins, that have been sourced in the order in which they were called.:set runtimepath?
= list the path of plugins