- id: 1710253522
- Date: Feb. 16, 2025, 12:13 p.m.
- Author: Donald F. Elger
- Goals
- Describe wellbeing.
- Achieve the best wellbeing you can in the present.
- Continually improve your wellbeing.
Wellbeing (What)
Wellbeing refers to the overall level of quality of life for an actor (person or group).
- Quality
- Overall level of excellence of something. Thus quality of life refers to overall level of excellence in life itself.
- Level
- Level refers to a rating on a scale that spans from low to high. Thus, a high level of wellbeing refers to having an excellent life.
- Actor
- An actor refers to a person or group. I use this term because many methods and concepts can be applied by either an individual or a group.
Related Concepts
Improving Wellbeing (What)
This refers to getting more of what you most want in terms of your wellbeing. Here are some examples:
- More peace of mind; less angst and stress.
- More motivation and passion and sense of living for a purpose.
- Better friendships; feeling more loved and cared about.
- Doing more of the things you most love. This might be more skiing, more travel, more reading, and more time spent with friends and family.
- More external rewards.
- More status and recognition.
- More money.
Level of Wellbeing
Wellbeing exists on a continuum that spans from low to high.
Level of wellbeing refers to assigning a number on a scale. For example, we might design a scale where 10 denotes the best possible wellbeing and 0 denotes the worst possible. Then, we can design a measurement scheme so that actors can track where they are.
Best Wellbeing
The best wellbeing is the highest level of wellbeing that an actor can attain in the present for their context (surrounding circumstances).
Rationale for Skill with Wellbeing
- Maximize the quality of life in the present for yourself and your groups.
- Have even better quality of life in the future.
- Have justified hope and optimism for a better future.
Effective Wellbeing Management (How To)
Wellbeing involves multiple integrated elements (sense of purpose, spirituality, health, social relationships, fitness, financial wellbeing, and so on). Note: An element is a “basic building block” that is used to construct everything.
Wellbeing can be improved and should be improved. Why not get more of what you most want?
Improving wellbeing is done by learning and applying topics that are known and straightforward to learn. There is no magic, secret formulas, or gurus. It should cost you next to nothing and take very little of your time and energy.
Repetitions: Repeat the following actions on an ongoing basis.
Elements. Identify the essential parts of wellbeing for yourself or your group.
Present. Figure out how to maximize wellbeing in the present. Enact your plan. Accept this as is as the “best wellbeing.”
Growth: On an ongoing basis, apply RT (reflective thinking) to improve your wellbeing.
For an individual, elements of wellbeing include things like emotional wellbeing, social wellbeing, physical wellbeing, spirituality, accomplishments, financial wellbeing, and so forth. The key idea is to figure out what matters to you.
For a group, elements of wellbeing might include shared purpose, financial wellbeing, camaraderie and mutual support, impacts on the world, winning in the case of a sports team, effectiveness, and so forth.
Maximizing wellbeing in the present involves balancing the various elements of wellbeing.
Improving wellbeing is easy and takes almost zero time. The key is to learn and apply RT (reflective thinking). RT involves thinking back on experiences and figuring out what’s working, how to best deal with concerns, next steps, and so on.